Strategic principels for developing SMEs and reducing the risks Print


Objective: To present in a synthetic and pragmatic manner, the concepts and means of the strategic approach for the outline of a minimum plan of the strategic directions and alternatives for SMSE development with risks reduction to the minimum possible

Key Competences: Good organizer, synthesis and analyze capacity

Indicative Needs / Tasks: University graduates

Target Group: Administrators or managers of private companies or public institutions; persons who are about to resort to professional reconversion or are interested in acquiring new abilities

Outcomes: The understanding of the analysis procedures, methods and techniques; the identification and selection of the internal and external sources of information; the elaboration of a plan

Indicative Content:

Part I – The strategic approach for business development

  1. Aims, definitions, typology
  2. Markets management, strategy and defining
  3. Case study – Strategic approach with actual stages, directions and alternatives

Part II – The draft of a strategic plan

  1. Model description, drawing up
  2. The strategic management and decision
  3. The strategy of market creation and domination
  4. Methodological guide for building a performing enterprise
  5. Case study and application for an actual firm within a certain sector with specific fields, processes and products

Duration: 12 hours (2 days of 4 hours each)

Language: Romanian

Keywords: strategic management, methodology, business development

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